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What size and type of luggage can I take?

You’ll need to check the size and weight restrictions of your luggage with the airline before your flight. Please also check the Budgeting & Packing section of the trip page or trip notes where we list the maximum luggage weight. In this section we also supply guidance on the number of luggage items to take, usually one main piece of baggage and a daypack. You’ll need to be able to carry your own luggage on arrival at your accommodation so please don't overload your bags. 

On cycling and walking trips you only need to carry your day pack during the day - luggage will be transferred to accommodation.

In terms of the type of luggage, in most cases a suitcase will be suitable. We recommend one on wheels to make it easier to move. On some trips, for example trips that feature longer periods travelling by minibus or trips that include camping, we’d recommend a softer bag such as a duffel bag or rucksack however these can also be on wheels. These are easier to pack into buses or trailers and are easier to move around. Check the Budgeting & Packing section of the trip page for guidance.